Constitution and Bylaws
Menaul-Allison Alumni Association
National Chapter
As Amended October 2017
We, as Alumni of Menaul and Allison-James Schools, associate ourselves together for the purposes mentioned and referred to herein: To render constructive aid, moral and financial to Menaul School and its’ students; to promote and establish the most wholesome and genuine spirit of gratitude; to safeguard and transmit to future graduates the principles of meeting one another on a common ground, sharing scarce resources and generating abundance, giving life color, texture, drama and a festive air, projecting vision, making audible and responsible opinions affecting the success of this association and Menaul School. We, therefore, pledge our individual responsibility to promote and maintain a true spirit of mutual friendship and helpfulness at all times, and to work in harmony with those who share and uphold these principles.
Article I
Section One: This organization shall be known as the “Menaul-Allison Alumni Association-National Chapter”
Section Two: The national chapter shall be located at Menaul School, 301 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107 where, through the Office of Institutional Advancement, the flow of communication with and between alumni and the national chapter is encouraged. The Menaul website: menaulschool.com alumni link provides another vital means of communication with the association. All existing and future city, state or regional Menaul alumni chapters and groups will work in close cooperation with the national association and its’ duly elected officers.
Article II
Section One: All Menaul and Allison-James graduates are members of the association, with the right to vote. Families and friends of alumni may become members of the association with the right to vote, if they are current on their annual dues. Families and friends who are not graduates of Menaul or Allison-James will not have the right to hold office in the association, with the exception of honorary alumni, who are eligible to hold any office other than President or Vice-president.
Section Two: The annual membership fee is $30.
Article III
Section One: The elected officers of the association shall be: President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section Two: The officers shall be elected every two years at the annual meeting. Any interim vacancy shall be filled by the Governance Committee until the next annual meeting of the association at which time the vacancy shall be filled by election.
Section Three: The Governance Committee shall present a slate of candidates for the available officer’s position(s). Upon a proper motion there shall be an opportunity for nominations for officers from the floor. The election shall be by ballot.
An officer shall not be elected to the same office for more than three consecutive terms.
An officer shall be required to take the Oath of Office as follows: “As an officer of the Menaul-Allison Alumni Association, I do hereby faithfully promise to work diligently and to the best of my ability for the continuing viability and growth of the alumni association and to represent all Menaul Alumni in the best interest of Menaul School.”
Section Four: There shall be a Governance Committee composed of the incumbent elected officers of the association, the immediate past president of the association and the incumbent chapter or local organizations’ active leaders.
Article IV
Section One: The duties and responsibilities of the officers shall be those commonly required by their respective offices and as listed in the Bylaws.
Section Two: The Governance Committee shall be responsible for the promotion of the association, coordination with the chapters, the transaction of all necessary business between annual meetings, drafting of amendments, if any, to the Constitution and Bylaws and preparation of the agenda for the annual association meeting.
Article V
Section One: The annual meeting of the association shall be held at Menaul School on Homecoming Day. Business of the association requiring action of the entire membership shall be transacted at this time.
Section Two: The minutes of the last meeting of summary of the yearly alumni activities shall be read at the regular annual meeting and approved by the association before they are permanently transcribed to the record book.
Article VI
Section One: All constitutions of organized chapters shall be in harmony with the Constitution of the national association in the best interests of the mutual cooperation leading to the attainment of the goals stated in the Preamble of this Constitution.
Section Two: Local chapters shall inform the Governance Committee of any projects undertaken, whether for fundraising or for assistance to an alumnus, in order that the national association may be helpful in such projects. A report of such projects shall be made at the annual meeting.
Article VII
Section One: All proposed amendments shall be submitted at the annual meeting. Section Two: Any amendments to this Constitution shall become a part of the Constitution by an affirmative vote of the majority of the members present at the annual meeting.
Section One: Duties of the Officers
President: shall call and preside over all meetings of the association and of the Governance Committee, and transact any necessary business of the association. The President is a voting member of the Menaul School Board of Trustees. The President shall, as a member of the Board, participate in those committees of the Board to which he or she is assigned and faithfully transmit concerns and ideas of the alumni to the Board and to report to
the Board activities of the association which are in the interests of Menaul School.
Vice-president: shall assume the duties of the President, not as an interim, but as President during the unexpired term of the President who is absent for an indefinite period or has resigned as President. At the end of the unexpired two year term the association shall then elect a new President along with the election of officers, Vice-president, secretary and treasurer.
The Vice-president shall chair a publicity committee to provide information to all alumni and all new graduation classed in order to enhance the number of alumni that can participate in the functions and activates of the association.
Secretary: shall keep a record of all proceeding of the national association and the Governance Committee to care for all correspondence and where applicable use the Menaul School website to disseminate information to the chapters and alumni. The record shall be kept at the Office of Institutional Advancements at Menaul School.
Treasurer: shall actively solicit and receive annual membership fees from the association members, to keep a record of all monies received and to disburse monies for bills authorized for payment by the president of the Governance Committee. The Treasurer shall provide a financial report to the president of the Governance Committee upon request, shall make a financial report at the annual meeting of the national association. The Treasurer shall chair the Finance Committee.
Section Two: Duties of Committees
Governance Committee: shall secure the best possible candidates, keeping in mind the importance of the qualifications as mentioned above; obtain approval of the candidates prior to placing their names in nomination; present a slate of candidates to the membership at the annual meeting for each existing vacancy; and to recommend people for the Governance Committee for the interim vacancies, if necessary. The Governance Committee shall notify each active local chapter of the slate of officers to be presented at the annual association
Finance Committee: shall consider ways and means of financing the work of the national association. All requests for expenditures of the association must be channeled through the Finance Committee.
Membership Committee: shall implement surveys of the communities in an endeavor to organize new chapters, to assist former chapters in their reactivation by providing assistance in the process of organizing and to contact all seniors who will graduate to consider membership in the alumni association.
Publicity committee: shall maintain a current mailing list of alumni as a supplement to the most recently published alumni directory, to collect material, to work in close cooperation with the editor of the Good News in the Office of the Institutional Advancement to provide news-worthy items for the publication.
Section Three: Reports
All persons responsible for matters of business pertaining to active chapters and the national association shall submit reports of the years’ activities at the annual meeting of the national association and shall report to the Governance Committee upon request.
Section Four: Amendments
These Bylaws shall be amended by a majority vote of those present at the annual meeting of the national
Menaul is about family and there is no greater family than the Menaul Panther Alumni! Membership to the Menaul Alumni Association enables us to provide alumni programs and activities, allows us to support current Menaul students through scholarships, and allows us to become self-sustaining so that we may better serve the interests of our alumni and to strengthen our school.
Your active participation and input are critical to the future of Menaul. In addition to the benefits listed below, members will receive invitations to participate in focus groups, association meetings, and other opportunities to be involved with the next 125 years of Menaul School.
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Panther Pride Annual Membership Levels

Kim was raised in Albuquerque’s South Valley, joined the Menaul School community as a young child when her cousins and sister began attending, and was able to attend for 6th-12th grade by the grace of God and the Presbyterian Church.
After graduating in 2000, she worked at Albuquerque Public Schools and then returned to Menaul School to work for two years in the Advancement Office before starting her real estate business. In her first year in real estate, Kim was recognized by Coldwell Banker Legacy as the Valencia County Rookie of the Year and among the top 25% in production in the company. She was also selected as New Mexico’s Rising Star in Top Agent Magazine. In her second year, she was recognized among the top 15% in production at Coldwell Banker Legacy, as well as #1 in production in the Valencia County office. She credits her time at Menaul School and the gratitude, persistence, and resilience she learned there for her success.
Besides helping her customers, she also likes to help her community. She is actively involved with and supports the Society for Creative Anachronism, an educational nonprofit dedicated to medieval history. She is particularly proud of her connection to Menaul School’s mission of fostering cultural diversity and educating future leaders. She lives with her fiancé, two dogs, and two cats on their small farm in Bosque Farms, where they raise goats, chickens, and ducks.

Toni is a 1993 graduate of Menaul School, and her son is currently a Menaul student.
Toni is passionate about helping Menaul School maintain it’s dedication to and build forward from its connection to its rich history, faith, and racial/ethnic and socioeconomic diversity. She is committed to achieving this through building and maintaining organization, diversity, integrity and transparency in Menaul’s leadership and Board of Trustees, as well as preserving and enhancing the sense of pride, connection, and involvement throughout the alumni community.
Toni graduated from the University of New Mexico with a B.S. in Computer Science and an MBA in Business Administration. She has worked for twenty years as a Business Process Engineer and Systems Analyst, managing enterprise-wide operational process improvement initiatives and application development and implementation. Throughout her career, Toni has helped Fortune 500 companies in various industries save millions of dollars through strategy development, identifying procedural and behavioral pain points and re-engineering streamlined processes in alignment with strategic planning, deploying operational excellence best practices to foster increased employee and stakeholder engagement and satisfaction, and developing and implementing automation and technology to increase efficiency and reduce downtime and rework. Toni is a certified Agile Business Analyst and Lean Six Sigma practitioner, and she earned a Parliamentary Procedure certification, which she utilizes in her career as well as in past organizational consulting roles to boards of trustees in healthcare, housing, and twelve-step recovery non-profits.
Toni is active in her local church, where she served for many years in the addiction recovery ministry.
Toni enjoys nature, music, gardening, reading about history and theology, studying ancestry, cooking, trying world cuisines, and hiking, camping, and fishing all around New Mexico. She loves thrift shops and antiques, road trips, listening to people’s life and love stories, visiting museums, and rearranging and/or painting random furniture and home décor on a whim. In addition to her family, Toni makes her home with a variety of failed foster pets – from cats and dogs to reptiles; she is dedicated to providing sanctuary to neighborhood birds, and she is an amateur beekeeper.